Why is it so hard to help your gifted child?

  • Little agreement among “experts”
  • You don’t know where to begin
  • The information is confusing

Solution: Use the information on this site to empower yourself and become the expert on YOUR child!

  • Begin with the boiled down information on this site so you’re not overwhelmed
  • Arm yourself with some basic gifted “what you need to knows”
  • Learn enough to gain confidence in your decision-making for your child

1. Your Child’s Well-being

Understand that: Giftedness does not begin with grade school testing or start and stop with a school bell. Recognition of giftedness is important if parents are to understand why their child is different and how to best cope with these differences. Gifted children have special needs at home and school that should be understood and attended to for optimal emotional health and development.

2. Your Child’s Education

Understand that: With education in its current state the special needs of gifted children are most often, not met. If your child is at the higher end of giftedness chances are very good you will need to seek alternative, or additional options to their education to get their needs met. If your child is in the mid- range of giftedness he or she may be able to get their educational needs met within mainstream school as long as either you or the school can provide enrichment opportunities and they are allowed to learn at their own pace.

Please watch this video so you will understand the current state of education

3. Get Updates

I’ve put together an easy to use collection of parenting resources and tips and rotate them around on this site. You may subscribe for free updates.

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Karen's 3 Children Parenting gifted children can be a challenge.

But now you can Pick My Brain and get the quick information and answers you need right now.

Written by a parent, for parents – I’ve taken the best, useful information for parents of gifted children and put it together in this package.

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